Konkurssi’s membership is meant exactly for you BBA student! As a member you get access to a variety of services and discounts, which you can benefit from during your studies, in worklife and free time. Konkurssi recommends the student membership, with that you make sure that you benefit from the trusteeship work and, if needed, receive guidance from an employment lawyer about contracts, work hours and salary.
Club Escape:
Free entry to Escape on Fridays and Saturdays before 24:00 within ages limits. Excluding special nights and holidays. On Fridays age limit for members is 18 (normally 20).
Konkurssi-Drink 3,50€
Cafe Europa:
- Beer (0,3 L) 4 €
- Long drink (0,3 L) 5,5 €
- Cider (0,3 L) 5,5 €
- Salmari, fisu, laku or monsteri shot 2,5€
- Konkurssi cocktail
- -20% discount from food
- Coffee/Tea 2€
-10% of purchases in the store for Konkurssi’s members
Bella Roma:
- Main courses -10 %
- Large soda 3,50 €
- Beer/Cider 5,00 €
- Student wine bottle 22 €
- Other wine bottles -20 %
-10% of escape rooms
More benefits coming! If you have any suggestions or questions, you can contact the Konkurssi board hallitus(a) or Konkurssi’s company co-operation correspondent yritysvastaava(a)
- 82€ / year
- All silver and gold level benefits
- Unemployment security
- Legal protection benefit
- 19€ / year
- All silver level benefits
- Personal career guidance
- Extensive traveler's and accident insurance for leisure time
- Events by BBA's
- Well-being coaching
- Entrepreneurship sparring
- Free
- Lawyer guidance
- Salary guidance
- Student events all around Finland
- Tradenomi- magazine
- 4 months of Kauppalehti for free
- Worklife knowledge
- Business graduate cap with a discount
- Member+
- If-insurances with a lower prize
JAMK main campus, DP55
Rajakatu 35, 40200 JYVÄSKYLÄ
Office open on Tuesdays 11am-2pm
© 2023 Konkurssi